FullContext's commitment to trust

Providing a secure and private place is central to FullContext's mission. Our team comes from a background founding and developing secure enterprise software where customer trust is paramount.

Datacenter Security

FullContext's production infrastructure is located on our Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider, Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS has an extensive list of privacy and security certifications and we strive to adhere to AWS best practices.

Data Encryption

Data in FullContext is encrypted both at rest and in transit using industry-leading encryption standards.

Privacy & Safety Features

Our product provides the ability to be configured to meet your operational needs. Roles, permissions, and other features are designed to provide the right level of granularity for control.

Data Recovery

Backups of customer data are performed continuously and securely. We provide a maximum 24-hour Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO).

Single Sign-On (SSO)

The FullContext platform provides SSO using OAuth2 via a variety of identity providers. SAML support is on the roadmap.

Data Privacy

We take privacy seriously and do not sell, share, or export customer data to third parties in any capacity. We collect minimal data to improve our services and satisfy any legal, accounting, or contractual obligation.

Data Deletion

Customers can delete users, messages, and other communications from our system directly within the product. If a customer wants to terminate their relationship with FullContext they can request to do so and all their data will be deleted within 60 days.

Employee Security

FullContext consists of a relatively small team with very limited access to production infrastructure and customer data. We utilize a change management system to track and control changes to our production environment.

Uptime Transparency

We maintain a status transparency dashboard to provide public and continuously monitored uptime information.

Our Roadmap

We believe the right way to do privacy and security is to prioritize it from the start.

Establish foundational security and privacy practices leveraging past experience.
Build secure initial product offering.
Acquire SOC 2 Type I & II.
Continue developing best practices for security and privacy in the age of AI .(In Progress)